Try out the new HEE version. We added an example project for modeling the visual attention of a car driver. In this example, the impact of different HMI variants that aim at supporting the driver to park a car can be modelled. As a result heatmaps of the average visual attention are being produced based […]
At this year’s ACM Automotive UI Conference in Oldenburg, Germany we will give a 4-hour tutorial about evaluating Automotive HMIs with the Human Efficiency Evaluator. The Tutorial is planned for Sunday, September, 24th.
On June 13th, 2017 we present at the 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium in California the results of a study in that Human Factors experts and experienced car drivers modeled the visual attention of drivers performing an overtaking manoeuvre with the HEE. It figured out that by agregating data gained by applying the HEE, the small set of HF […]
Bertram Wortelen just presented the results of a recent study about a green traffic light assistance system that we did together with the DLR. The slides are available for download.