Operator Workload Prediction
What is the optimal location of an instrument and how does a new instrument affect the operator’s task performance and workload? With a tool-supported cognitive modeling of virtual operators workload and performance of trained operators can be predicted. Such a simulation can consider hundreds of procedures of how a machine can be controlled. Development and evaluation of dynamic […]
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Predicting Monitoring Behavior
Controlling safety-critical systems often includes several monitoring tasks to observe the current system state and to predict future system states that might affect the controlling activities. Methods to get insights about users’ monitoring behavior either depend on the expertise of Human factor experts to model and predict stereotypic monitoring behavior or on performing eye tracking […]
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Analysing Task Performance for Multi-Machine Control
Often, one operator is in charge of observing and controlling several machines distributed in an environment. Such procedures and workflows can be visually modeled to predict and compare the operator’s task performances for different hardware setups, software and display options. Operator’s task performance is usually evaluated by systematically studying operators controlling a system prototype in a setup that matches as […]
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